
Stanislav Ilyusha, OD

Medical Optometrist in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, NY

Stanislav Ilyusha, OD

Stanislav Ilyusha, OD

Stanislav Ilyusha, OD, is an experienced and detail-oriented optometrist. He leads the team at Vistasite Eye Care of Sheepshead Bay in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. 

Dr. Ilyusha earned his doctoral degree in optometry from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. At Vistasite Eye Care of Sheepshead Bay, Dr. Ilyusha tends to patients struggling with various concerns, including allergic eye problems, astigmatism, corneal abrasion, and eye inflammation. 

He is also experienced in dealing with procedures like comprehensive dilated eye exams. Additionally, he is fluent in English and Russian, making him accessible to patients from various cultural backgrounds. 

Dr. Ilyusha is passionate about providing his patients with optimal and leading-edge care for their recovery and overall maintenance of eye health. He is attentive to his patient’s concerns and strives to partner with them to make eye care an integral part of their health.